Useful Links

In association with this site is the Association Boris Mouravieff which is a non-profit organization established in the year 2000
with the objective of watching over the continual publication and circulation of GNOSIS and other writings of Boris Mouravieff.

Address: 60, rue Maurice Ripoche, 75014 Paris.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Didaskalia Alexandrias


In association with this site is Gnosis in Arabic which is a website created by an individual who set for himself the objective of
watching over the publication of Gnosis in its original French, Arabic and English.


Gnosis: English translations

Edition 1
Madbouly Bookshops, Cairo, Egypt. Can be purchased through:


Edition 2
Praxis Research



Gnosis: In other languages



Other Boris Mouravieff works Published in French under the supervision of the Association Boris Mouravieff:

Écrits sur Ouspensky, Gurdjieff et sur la Tradition ésotérique chrétienne Introduction à la Philosophie Ésotérique


Consulting the articles found in the magazine "Syntheses" Bibliotheque de l’Université libre de Bruxelles
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 50
Bruxelles - Belgique